The Genius in Your Wound part 1

Everyone's suffered a wound. Whether it was physical or not the effects can linger a lifetime. But that's not all bad. Revealing his own story, Michael MacCaughelty tells how he discovered a Genius inspiration as a result of his painful ordeal. After hearing his story you won't look on your own the same way ever again.


The Genius in Your Wound part 2

In Part 2, Michael MacCaughelty explains the many facets of how the wounds we suffer in life can work for our good. This is a riveting presentation based on his own life story. And, you can learn more by reading The Genius in Your Wound, written by Al Dayhoff, available at and You won't look at your own wounds the same way ever again. And you might just discover a Genius super power from them.


Augustine & Tattoos

Harris Bond, Church Planter in Monroe, Louisiana, chronicles his discoveries about the character and instincts of people who hurt, are coping with it, and who are sometimes looking for someone to listen. He was a presenter at the October 2021 Explorer National Conference on Evangelism, sponsored by Evangelize Today Ministries.


Plant a Parish: Plant a Church

Dieter Paulson is a minister who decided to “walked his community.” He discovered the serious needs of women, children and families at the local crisis pregnancy center. It changed his understanding and practice of ministry. Listen as he describes what happened in his rural town.


The Staff Parish Evangelist

Most churches focus their energies trying to get people to come in, attend services, and join. But the staff at Christ Church, PCA in Trussville, Alabama know there are people in the larger community who need a pastor whether they come to a church or not. Listen to pastors James and Michael talk about how they work together to bring the Good News to as many as they can, with no strings attached. They hosted the October 2021 Explorer Conference on Evangelism sponsored by Evangelize Today Ministries.


Tattoo Storyhunters

More than 40% of the population is wearing its most treasured stories in the skin. Tattoos aren't just for the military or carnival attractions. Why are people getting inked? What are they telling us? Does it matter? A team of researchers from Evangelize Today Ministries is exploring these questions. Here's a sample of what is being seen and found.


The Parish Minister

The phrase “parish minister” conjures up images of a church building where someone in spiritual authority leads people in worship. But what if the “parish” is more than a building, and the minister isn’t principally a truth teller? Burt Boykin’s has discovered a parish that extends far beyond the four walls of a church. Listen as he describes becoming a different kind of minister, going where he’d been told he ought never go, spending time with people who’d long ago checked out of traditional church.


Just Like Jazz

Yes, he’s a pastor. But Mark Auffarth has also been around jazz most of his life. Only someone with his keen perception could connect the movement of music with the subtle nuances of the notes of faith that build on each other over a lifetime. You’ll never again experience music, or your life, the same way after you hear him.


This Moment We Are In: Missiology At The Crossroads

The global pandemic has irrevocably changed the world, culture, and human experience at every level. Though the need of the Church to reassess how the gospel is lived and shared has been urgent in all of the 21st century, the effects of COVID have accelerated that need beyond what anyone could have imagined. Kevin Donlon shares his insights about this present age, offering refreshing insights, sobering statistics, and hopeful models for mission - none of them easy. But all essential in this moment we are in.